Monday, October 6, 2014

The vision, and where I am right now.

I think I have written this opening sentence approximately 10 times already. Type, erase, type, erase… I do not know how to begin this, or what I want to share/not to share. This morning I was driving to Starbucks, and I was so nervous yet so excited to get to share my vision with an amazing lady I was meeting for coffee.  
Every Thursday I go to an after school program called Study Club which is in a government housing area between Weatherford, and Hudson Oaks. Every Thursday I am honored to get to watch kids come in, get a snack, learn bible verses, small lessons, learn about goals, and get stable one-on-one homework time. These children are “at-risk” students; low-income families, etc. The thing I love about study club is that I see me in the eyes of these children. (ME) Growing up in a very low-income family, an inconsistent, unstable environment, divorced parents, parents with addiction, parents who committed crime, etc. I don't see a statistic when I look into their faces; I see purpose, I see potential, I see perfect love.
Becoming an advocate/mentor for children who have a parent who is addicted to alcohol and pills, and children whose parents are living a life of crime is something I want to do because that's my story. My story is a story of resilience and redemption. This has definitely been a topic of exploration and prayer lately. I know what God has put into my heart, but I do not know how He intends to bring it about. That's where I am.

Often you will know “what” long before you know “how” - Andy Stanley

Part of this vision includes speaking in schools, churches, events, conferences, and hosting conferences for women and young girls in churches.  Did I mention that I also want to write a book! ← This has been a dream of mine for years and years but I pushed it aside for a while. I have peace about this vision the Lord has given me, because He sustains me. His word says in Psalm 139 that everyday of my life has been planned out before they ever come to pass. His word says in Jeremiah 29 that He has a plan and purpose for my life. Romans 8, He will make all things work together for my good. Psalm 55, He sustains and will not let me be shaken. Jeremiah 1:5 He knows ME, and has set me apart for His holy purpose. Ultimately its for His glory.

It took so much courage for me to write this blog post. If you know me you know I'm super big on details, organization, and structure. I know this blog is probably all over the place, but that's okay right now. I'm writing, and that's something I haven't done in a really long time so I give myself permission to accept that if it is a little scattered right now (lol).  I am super excited to see everything come together in time, but until then I will keep growing closer to the heart of my creator.

Until next time,

Tiffany :)